I am using angular-translate on a rather large Angular project. I am breaking the project into multiple modules to make it more manageable, but I am unable to break up my translation strings per module.
For example, I have modules A and B, where B is a submodule of A. There are strings that pertain to the HTML covered by module A, which are placed in '/json/localization/A/en.json'. Likewise, there are strings pertaining to B that I place in '/json/localization/B/en.json'. First I load B's en.json in module B using angular-translate's $translationProvider. Then I load module A's en.json, also using $translationProvider. The problem is that loading A's strings overrides B's strings and they are lost.
Using angular-translate, is there a way to load strings per module, without overriding, or does the parent module have to load all of the strings from a single en.json?
Here is an example (in coffeescript) of how I am loading the translation strings:
my_module.config(['$translateProvider', ($translateProvider) ->
prefix: '/json/localization/A/'
suffix: '.json'
$translateProvider.preferredLanguage 'en'
angular-translate supports async loading of partial language files. All partials are merged into one dictionary per language. The official documentation can be found here: http://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/guide/12_asynchronous-loading
It supports applying a template for url templates that point to the modularised language files:
$translateProvider.useLoader('$translatePartialLoader', {
urlTemplate: '/i18n/{part}/{lang}.json'
From within your controllers, you can add language modules and refresh the data bindings like this:
function ($scope, $translatePartialLoader, $translate) {
Of course, loading the partials can also be covered in a route's resolve phase
Alternatively, you can also look into building your own custom loader function. http://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/guide/13_custom-loaders
This provides all the flexibility you need to combine required language modules in one shot. E.g. you could do something like this:
app.factory('customLoader', function ($http, $q) {
// return loaderFn
return function (options) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = {
'TEXT': 'Fooooo'
angular.extend(data, moduleA);
angular.extend(data, moduleB);
return deferred.promise;