smart table +Angular js

Jay Patel picture Jay Patel · Apr 10, 2014 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I am using Smart-table to show reports to the user with Angular js.

Now,I want to customize table header and want a colspan in smart table 's header.

Does anyone know about this?Is it possible? Please share example,plunker if anyone have achieved this


MaheshKumar picture MaheshKumar · Jul 23, 2014

You can have whatever template you want in cellTemplate attr, where I have concatenated both first name and last name.

Like I have used,

 scope.columnCollection = [
                { label: 'Name', map: 'FirstName', validationAttrs: 'required', validationMsgs: '<span class="error" ng-show="smartTableValidForm.FirstName.$error.required">Required!</span>',cellTemplate:'<div class="name"><span>{{dataRow.FirstName +" "+dataRow.LastName}}</span><div>'}, //have whatever template you want and your custom css
                //{ label: 'Last Name', map: 'LastName' },
                { label: 'User Name', map: 'UserName', validationAttrs: 'required' },
                { label: 'Password', map: 'Password', noList: true, editType: 'password' },
                { label: 'Customer', map: 'CustId', optionsUrl: '/GetCusts', editType: 'radio' },
                { label: 'Role', map: 'RoleId', optionsUrl: '/GetRoles', editType: 'select', defaultTemplate: '<option value="" ng-hide="dataRow[]">---</option>', validationAttrs: 'required', validationMsgs: '<span class="error" ng-show="smartTableValidForm.RoleId.$error.required">Required!</span>' }, // NOTE: small hack which enables defaultTemplate option :)
                { label: 'E-mail', editType: 'email', map: 'Email' },
                { label: 'Cell Phone', map: 'Mobilephone', noEdit: true, validationAttrs: 'required' },
                { label: 'Locked', map: 'IsLocked', cellTemplate: '<input disabled type="checkbox" name="{{}}" ng-model="dataRow[]">', editType: 'checkbox', noAdd: true }

In css you can have your custom Css.

Please have a look at this plunker

Hope this solves your problem :)