I've created a ng-grid with the following column definitions:
columns: [
{ field: "CompanyPkid", visible: false },
{ field: "CompanyName", visible: false },
{ field: "StartDate", visible: false, cellFilter: "date:'yyyy-MM-dd'" },
{ field: "CompanyId",
displayName: "Company ID",
cellTemplate: "<div class=\"ngCellText\" ng-class=\"col.colIndex()\">"+
"<a href=\"Company/Edit/{{row.getProperty('CompanyPkid')}}\">"+
"</a><br />"+
"{{row.getProperty('CompanyName')}}<br />"+
One of the columns is an hidden date column.
One of the columns uses a template and includes the value from the hidden date column.
I would like to format the date in the multiline column to yyyy-MM-dd
. Is this possible? If so, how?