Filtering an Angular 1.2 ng-repeat with "track by" by a boolean property

Adam Tuttle picture Adam Tuttle · Jan 28, 2014 · Viewed 38.6k times · Source

I'm trying to filter some list items based on the value of a boolean property, but no matter what I do the entire list is always displayed. A few of the the things I've tried have been so broken that nothing displays, but that's neither here nor there. I can't get my filtering working as desired:

$scope.attendees = [
     {"firstname":"Steve",    "lastname":"Jobs",  "arrived":true,  "id":1}
    ,{"firstname":"Michelle", "lastname":"Jobs",  "arrived":false, "id":2}
    ,{"firstname":"Adam",     "lastname":"Smith", "arrived":true,  "id":3}
    ,{"firstname":"Megan",    "lastname":"Smith", "arrived":false, "id":4}
    ,{"firstname":"Dylan",    "lastname":"Smith", "arrived":false, "id":5}
    ,{"firstname":"Ethan",    "lastname":"Smith", "arrived":false, "id":6}

Using the following ng-repeat filtering:

    <li ng-repeat="person in attendees track by | filter:arrived:'false'">
            {{person.lastname}}, {{person.firstname}}

I feel like I've tried every permutation that I can find referenced, most of which came from various StackOverflow search results:

  • filter:'arrived'
  • filter:arrived
  • filter:'person.arrived'
  • filter:person.arrived
  • filter:{arrived:true}
  • filter:{arrived:'true'}
  • filter:{person.arrived:true}
  • filter:{person.arrived:'true'}

I've also tried creating a custom filter function:

$scope.isArrived = function(item) {
    return item.arrived;

And applying it thusly:

  • filter:isArrived
  • filter:'isArrived'
  • filter:{isArrived(person)}
  • filter:isArrived(person)
  • filter:'isArrived(person)'

None of these seems to work. What am I missing?

Here's a plnkr that demonstrates my problem.


Gruff Bunny picture Gruff Bunny · Jan 28, 2014

The track by needs to be at the end of the expression:

<li ng-repeat="person in attendees | filter: {arrived: false } track by">