I have a List of lists, created with a nested ng-repeat. Each outer ng-repeat contains a div with the label of its inner list (eg: "Group A"). I'm now trying to create a way to avoid showing this label if the inner list is empty due to filtering(Applied by an input searchtext)
Here is a plunker explaining my issue and my attempted solution : Plnkr
Having a 'heavy' function like isGroupEmpty seems extremely cumbersome - Is there any way to do this in a much simpler fashion? I was toying with the idea of moving the label inside the inner ng-repeat and having ng-show="$first"
but it doesnt look great
I ended up with the following solution which worked perfectly. Plnkr
By setting a variable in the inner ng-repeat I was able to evaluate ng-show based on this variables length like so :
<input ng-model='searchText'/>
<span ng-show='filtered.length > 0'>
<li ng-repeat='el in filtered = (model | filter:searchText)'>