Angular.js configuring ui-router child-states from multiple modules

Kilian Schefer picture Kilian Schefer · Aug 15, 2013 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

I'd like to implement a setup where i can define a "root state" in the main module, and then add child states in other modules. This, because i need the root state to resolve before i can go to the child state.

Apparently, this should be possible according to this FAQ: How to: Configure ui-router from multiple modules

For me it doesn't work: Error Uncaught Error: No such state 'app' from

Here is what i have:


angular.module( 'ngBoilerplate', [
.config( function myAppConfig ( $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider ) {
        .state('app', {
                    return new Auth();
    $urlRouterProvider.otherwise( '/foo' );
.factory('Auth', ['$timeout','$q', function ($timeout,$q) {
    return function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        console.log('before resolve');
        $timeout(function () {
            console.log('at resolve');
        }, 2000);

        return deferred.promise;

.run(function run( $rootScope, $state, $stateParams ) {
    console.log('greetings from run');

.controller( 'AppCtrl', function AppCtrl ( $scope, Auth ) {
    console.log('greetings from AppCtrl');


angular.module( '', ['ui.state'])

.config(function config( $stateProvider ) {
      .state( '', {
        url: '/foo/:type',
        views: {
            "main": {
                templateUrl: function(stateParams) { /* stuff is going on in here*/ }
.controller( 'FooCtrl', function FooCtrl( $scope ) {
  console.log('deferred foo');

How do i make this work or what other approaches could i take to have something global resolved before every state (without defining a resolve on each state)?


Kilian Schefer picture Kilian Schefer · Sep 17, 2013

I finally chose this approach which does the job for me:

// add all your dependencies here and configure a root state e.g. "app"
angular.module( 'ngBoilerplate', ['ui.router','templates-app',

// configure your child states in here, such as, etc.
angular.module( '', ['ngBoilerplate']);
angular.module( '', ['ngBoilerplate']);

// tie everything together so you have a static module name
// that can be used with ng-app. this module doesn't do anything more than that.
angular.module( 'app', ['','']);

and then in your app index.html

<html ng-app="app">