I'm struggling to wrap my mind around how to have an ng-include not use an extra DOM element as I'm building an angular app from a plain-HTML demo. I'm working with pretty slim HTML with fully developed, tightly DOM-coupled CSS (built from SASS) and refactoring is something I want to avoid at all costs.
Here's the actual code:
<div id="wrapper">
ng-repeat="subheader in subheaders"
I need <section> to be a repeating element but have its own logic and different content. Both, content and number of repetitions are dependent on business logic. As you can see, putting the ng-controller and the ng-repeat on the <section> element will not work. What would, however, is to insert a new DOM node, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
What am I missing out? Is this best practice or is there a better way?
EDIT: just to clarify as asked in comments, the final HTML I'm trying to generate would be:
<div id="wrapper">
<section class="submenuX">
some content from controller A and template B (e.g. <ul>...</ul>)
<section class="submenuY">
different content from same controller A and template B (e.g. <div>...</div>)
<section class="submenuZ">
... (number of repetitions is defined in controller A e.g. through some service)
The reason I want to use the same template B (subheader.html), is for code cleanliness. I conceive subheader.html to have some kind of ng-switch in order to return dynamic content.
But basically, the underlaying quiestion is: is there a way to include the contents of a template transparently, without using a DOM node?
EDIT2: The solution needs to be reusable. =)
Some of the other answers suggest replace:true
, but keep in mind that replace:true
in templates is marked for deprecation.
Instead, in an answer to a similar question, we find an alternative: It allows you to write:
<div ng-include src="dynamicTemplatePath" include-replace></div>
Custom Directive:
app.directive('includeReplace', function () {
return {
require: 'ngInclude',
restrict: 'A', /* optional */
link: function (scope, el, attrs) {
(cut'n'paste from the other answer)