jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/KfSBq/
By sub-object I mean that the objects I am displaying with ng-repeat all contain a list of objects within themselves, and I am looking to filter based on the property of one of those sub-objects.
This alone was quite straightforward to do. I have an object of dailies
, each containing a date
and an entries
list of objects:
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.dailies = [{date: new Date('07/07/2013'),
entries: [{category: 'A', note:'Lorem ipsum'},
{category: 'B', note: 'Lorem ipsum'}]},
{date: new Date('05/02/2013'),
entries: [{category: 'A', note: 'Lorem ipsum'}]}];
I display them, filtering by category:
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div class="daily" ng-repeat="daily in dailies | orderBy:'-date' ">
{{ daily.date | date:'dd/MM/y' }}
<div class="entry" ng-repeat="entry in daily.entries | filter:{ category: 'B'} ">
<span>{{ entry.category }}</span>, <span>{{ entry.note }}</span>
My issue here is that the daily objects that now contain no entries at all are still displayed. How do I achieve a situation where, if the filtering makes the entries
list of a daily
empty, that daily
is not displayed either?
You are allowed to create new scope members inside the expressions.
This lets you assign a filtered list to a new variable, which can be used throughout the local scope. With that, you can pass the length of the filtered list to ng-show:
<body ng-app>
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<div class="daily"
ng-repeat="daily in dailies | orderBy:'-date' "
{{ daily.date | date:'dd/MM/y' }}
<div class="entry"
ng-repeat="entry in filteredEntries = (daily.entries | filter:{ category: 'B'})"
<span>{{ entry.category }}</span>, <span>{{ entry.note }}</span>
Btw, nicely put question!