I'm new to Angular JS and I am trying to create a custom directive that will be used as below:
<div linkedlist listcolumns="{{cashAccountsColumns}}"></div>
Corrps. controller will be:
$scope.cashAccountsColumns = [
{"field": "description", "title": "Description"},
{"field": "owner", "title":"Owner"},
{"field": "currentBalance", "title":"Current Balance" }
And the directive code is:
return {
restrict : 'EA',
transclude : false,
templateUrl : 'html/linkedlist.html',
scope: {
listcolumns: "@"
link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
template is:
<table class="box-table" width="100%">
<th scope="col" ng-repeat="column in listcolumns">
But this is not working. I'm not getting the value of column.title on screen instead too many rows as below are added to DOM:
<th ng-repeat="column in listcolumns" scope="col" class="ng-scope ng-binding"></th>
Passing an entire object with attribute will not work, you have to use dual way binding. Just change binding from @
to =
and modify the HTML below to make it work:
changes to directive code:
// ...
scope: {
listcolumns: "="
// ...
changes to template:
<div linkedlist listcolumns="cashAccountsColumns"></div>