I try to integrate The beautifull WYSIWYG Redactor (http://imperavi.com/redactor/) in an custom AngularJS directive.
Visualy it works, but my custom directive is not compatible with ng-model (and I don't understand why)
This is how you can use my directive :
<wysiwyg ng-model="edited.comment" id="contactEditCom" content="{{content}}" required></wysiwyg>
And this is the directive code :
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive("wysiwyg", function(){
var linkFn = function(scope, el, attr, ngModel) {
scope.redactor = null;
scope.$watch('content', function(val) {
if (val !== "")
scope.redactor = $("#" + attr.id).redactor({
focus : false,
callback: function(o) {
$("#" + attr.id).keydown(function(){
function read() {
var content = scope.redactor.getCode();
if (ngModel.viewValue != content)
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: linkFn,
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
content: '@'
transclude: true
And finally this is the fiddle -> http://fiddle.jshell.net/MyBoon/STLW5/
I made one based on Angular-UI's TinyMCE directive. This one also listen to format button clicks. It also handles the case when the model is changed outside the directive.
directive.coffee (sorry for the coffeescript)
angular.module("ui.directives").directive "uiRedactor", ["ui.config", (uiConfig) ->
require: "ngModel"
link: (scope, elm, attrs, ngModelCtrl) ->
redactor = null
getVal = -> redactor?.getCode()
apply = ->
ngModelCtrl.$pristine = false
options =
execCommandCallback: apply
keydownCallback: apply
keyupCallback: apply
scope.$watch getVal, (newVal) ->
ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue newVal unless ngModelCtrl.$pristine
#watch external model change
ngModelCtrl.$render = ->
redactor?.setCode(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue or '')
expression = if attrs.uiRedactor then scope.$eval(attrs.uiRedactor) else {}
angular.extend options, expression
setTimeout ->
redactor = elm.redactor options
<textarea ui-redactor='{minHeight: 500}' ng-model='content'></textarea>