Top "Angularjs-ng-class" questions

The ngClass directive allows you to dynamically set CSS classes on an HTML element by databinding an expression that represents all classes to be added.

How to add and remove class with AngularJS?

I have a few buttons that work like switchers. If you click one it becomes active and "shuts down" other …

javascript jquery angularjs angularjs-ng-click angularjs-ng-class
angularjs show/hide tabs, click same tab hide the content

when i click tab A, A content show when i click tab B, A content hide B content show but …

javascript html angularjs angularjs-ng-show angularjs-ng-class
How to use $index to change class in ng-repeat?

I have a list which is limited to 3 items, the first item needs class blue1, 2nd needs blue2, 3rd blue3. &…

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-ng-class
Angularjs markup table row or colums depends on value

Is there any way to add classes on row or column depends on values. If column "anzahl" is null, the …

javascript html css angularjs angularjs-ng-class