Top "Angularjs-directive" questions

AngularJS directives are a way to teach HTML new tricks by extending the HTML vocabulary.

AngularJS directives attributes access from the controller

I am trying to access the attributes of a directive in the controller function. However, by the time I access …

javascript events controller angularjs angularjs-directive
Why is `replace` property deprecated in AngularJS directives?

According to the API docs, directives' replace attribute is deprecated, so in the future, all directives will behave with the …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive
Set focus on first invalid input in AngularJs form

I've read several articles and StackOverflow questions relating to the setting of focus in AngularJs. Unfortunately all the examples that …

validation angularjs angularjs-directive wcag
How can I use Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown in AngularJS

I want to use Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown in AngularJS. I hear that it's necessary to …

twitter-bootstrap angularjs angularjs-directive angular-ui
How to implement an ng-change for a custom directive

I have a directive with a template like <div> <div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-click="updateModel(item)"&…

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-change
what's the meaning of '=?' in angularJS directive isolate scope declaration?

Does the question mark after equals have special meaning? ie: scope: {foo: '=?'} does the above mean 'do not …

angularjs angularjs-directive
AngularJS number input formatted view

I want to use a formatted number input to show thousand seperator dots to user when he types big numbers. …

angularjs html angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-model
How to disable a <option> of select element when using AngularJS ng-options?

Is there a way to disable an option in a select element when we populate options with ng-options in AngularJS? …

angularjs angularjs-directive ng-options
AngularJS - Image "onload" event

I've been searching for an answer to simple but not trivial question: What is a right way to catch image' …

javascript angularjs angularjs-directive onload jqlite
angular ng-bind-html and directive within it

Plunker Link I have a element which I would like to bind html to it. <div ng-bind-html="details" upper&…

angularjs angularjs-directive