Top "Angular7" questions

Questions about Angular version 7, the web framework from Google.

i am using angular 7 when routerLink not working when i click on anchor button it's not working

in angular 7 i have define different component app folder and define component in route is well when i definde router …

angular angular7 angular7-router
angular 7.0.5 ng new doesn't ask Would you like to add Angular routing?.... etc

Someone could guide me to know why I can not generate a new project with the new version of angular 7 …

angular npm angular-cli angular7
Angular 7 "expected 'styles' to be an array of strings"

I am trying to run my server and have my app.component.html load on localhost:8000. Instead, I am receiving …

javascript angular string compiler-errors angular7
Ionic 4/Angular 7 lifecycle hooks called just one time per page

In ionic 3 there was lifecycle events like ionViewWillEnter and ionViewWillLeave. But in Ionic 4 this event must be replaced by Angular …

hook angular7 angular-router ionic4 angular-lifecycle-hooks
Invalid module name in augmentation. Module 'chart.js' resolves to an untyped module at '/src/chart.js', which cannot be augmented

I'm creating barchart using ng2-chart library for charts. I got the following error while ng serve: ERROR in node_…

angular typescript chart.js angular7 ng2-charts