I am using the cdkoverlay which seems to have a default dark backdrop. Looking at the docs Overlay Documentation , I should be able to change to a transparent backdrop by setting the backdrop class. Am I doing something wrong?
angular version - 7.2.7
cdk version - 7.3.3
<button mat-icon-button (click)="isOpen = !isOpen" cdkOverlayOrigin
<ng-template cdkConnectedOverlay
(backdropClick)="isOpen = false"
<div class="e6-menu-panel" role="dialog">
<div class="e6-grid-container" role="listbox" tabindex="0" cdkTrapFocus>
<div class="e6-grid-item" *ngFor="let theme of themes; index as i"
(click)="install(theme); isOpen=false" role="option"
<mat-icon class="e6-active-icon" *ngIf="current == theme">
I was adding the transparent class the wrong way:
This is the right way:
From the Documentation :
One-time string initialization
You should omit the brackets when all of the following are true:
- The target property accepts a string value.
- The string is a fixed value that you can bake into the template.
- This initial value never changes.