FromForm with IFormFile using Core

Jeeten Parmar picture Jeeten Parmar · Jan 29, 2019 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

I want to upload an Image file with Model data so I am using FromForm with IFormFile in core api.

public IActionResult AddData([FromForm] AddDataModel addDataModel, IFormFile formFile)
     // Logic here...

I am using Angular 7 in the frontend side. I am adding model data and file to FormData and trying to send it but It always all model fields values null.

What is the right way to solve this?


alsami picture alsami · Jan 29, 2019

The formfile has to be inside your AddDataModel csharp class.

Like this

public class AddDataModel 
   public IFormFile File { get; set; }
   // more properties

Then in your angular-service, do the following

public add(model: AddDataModel): Observable<any> { // file can be passed as parameter or inside typescript model
   const formData = new FormData();
   // optional you can pass a file name as third parameter
   formData.append('file', model.file)
   // add more keys to the form-data
   return<any>('my-http-url', formData);

Now update the endpoint

public IActionResult AddData([FromForm] AddDataModel addDataModel)
     // Logic here...

Now the modelbinder of ASP.NET Core will map the form file retrieved from the form-data.


Added a simple sample on github ready to be cloned.