I am looking for an example showing an implementation of custom image uploader for CKEditor 5 using Angular 5.
I got this to work with relatively little fuss. It does not require rebuilding CKEditor. Here are the basic steps:
In your component, define an instance variable with a CKEditor configuration object if you have not already done so. It needs to have an extraPlugins element in it:
ckconfig = {
// include any other configuration you want
extraPlugins: [ this.TheUploadAdapterPlugin ]
Step two create the referenced function in your component that looks like this:
TheUploadAdapterPlugin(editor) {
console.log('TheUploadAdapterPlugin called');
editor.plugins.get('FileRepository').createUploadAdapter = (loader) => {
return new UploadAdapter(loader, '/image');
Step three create the new class that was referenced in the above function. You can do this in the same Typescript file after the component definition or you can make it in a separate file and import it.
class UploadAdapter {
loader; // your adapter communicates to CKEditor through this
constructor(loader, url) {
this.loader = loader;
this.url = url;
console.log('Upload Adapter Constructor', this.loader, this.url);
upload() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('UploadAdapter upload called', this.loader, this.url);
console.log('the file we got was', this.loader.file);
resolve({ default: 'http://localhost:8080/image/1359' });
abort() {
console.log('UploadAdapter abort');
At the quick testing stage change the resolve call to return a URL that points to some fixed image. It can be anything. That URL string will be stuck into the editor content where user places the image.
When you go to implement, you will delete or change each of the console.log calls to whatever logic you want -- likely involving some calls to Angular's HttpClient. However note that the functions will execute outside of Angular's NgZone domain.
Your logic in resolve will have to generate the appropriate URL of course. Check the CKEditor documentation for a good example of how to interact with the loader.
Finally you need to make sure your ckeditor element is using the ckconfig configuration object something like this:
<ckeditor [editor]="Editor" [config]="ckconfig"
[(ngModel)]="doc.text" name="editcontent"></ckeditor>
Now when you use this editor you will use the tool to upload an image. You should see the output on the console log and the string in the resolve call inserted into the editor's content. If the string is a valid URL to an image somewhere you will see that image.
If this works for you there should be little problem completing the plug in.
Remember the generated Promise has a reject parameter so use it as needed.