Does any one met the issue of angular 7 cdk virtual scrolling working abnormally in mat-tab group.
My city component template looks like that
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport class="list-container" [itemSize]="50" minBufferPx="200" maxBufferPx="400" (scrolledIndexChange)="getNextBatch($event)">
<div *cdkVirtualFor="let state of statesObservable | async; trackBy: trackByFn" class="list-group-item state-item">
<div class="state">{{}}</div>
<div class="capital">{{}}</div>
When put this city component to the mat-tab-group as the second tab
<mat-tab label="Country">
<mat-tab label="City">
The stackblitz code is here:
Does anyone have some idea for this issue?
You tell it to keep the Buffer size between 200px and 400px, yet your scroll window is much taller than that.
Change both the minimum and maximum to 1200px, this will keep the items cover your viewport, even when you scroll down for more items.