How to properly chain rxjs 6 observables?

askona picture askona · Oct 12, 2018 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

Any suggestions, how this can be rewritten in more promise-chaining style?:

this.apiService.sendPutRequest('/api/users/activate', usrObj).pipe(
        map(() => {
            return this.apiService.sendGetRequest('/api/users/' + this.currentUserId).pipe(
                map(data => {
                    return this.setActiveUser(data).pipe(
                        map(() => {
                            return this.apiService.sendGetRequest('api/tasks/user/' + this.currentUserId).pipe(
                                map(tasks => {
                                    return this.taskService.setCurrentUserTasks(tasks);


Kliment Ru picture Kliment Ru · Oct 12, 2018

You can use switchMap for handling observables and tap for side efects handling. And you need to subscribe because it's cold observable

For error handling use catchError for all requests

this.apiService.sendPutRequest('/api/users/activate', usrObj).pipe(
    catchError(err=> this.errorHandler(err)),
    switchMap(() => this.apiService.sendGetRequest('/api/users/' + this.currentUserId)
        .pipe(catchError(err=> this.errorHandler(err)))
    tap(data => this.setActiveUser(data)),
    switchMap(() => this.apiService.sendGetRequest('api/tasks/user/' + this.currentUserId)
        .pipe(catchError(err=> this.errorHandler(err)))
    tap(tasks => this.taskService.setCurrentUserTasks(tasks))