I have a simple situation, I have actions Like CreatUser, CreateSuccess, CreateFail. How should I add new object to array and when Create
action is dispatched or CreateSuccess
? And how should I do that?
export function reducer(state = init, action: Actions): State {
switch (action.type) {
case ActionsTypes.CREATE:
return {
inProgress: true
case ActionsTypes.CREATE_SUCCESS:
return {
users: state.users.push(action.payload),
inProgress: false
case ActionsTypes.CREATE_FAIL:
return {
error: action.payload,
inProgress: false
return state;
In code above I tried to add new user using push method, but it is not good solution. How should I do that?
Try to use the spread operator because it creates a new array of users and does not mutate the previous array.
users: [...state.users, action.payload]
Or else use @ngrx/entity module for arrays. It's the best way.
Update 13.07.2019
New module @ngrx/data is available in NgRx 8. This module helps to create CRUD store for arrays with zero boilerplate.