I have created a table that displays data fetched from the database. The TS part that fetches the data looks something like:
this._appService.getVisitData().subscribe((data) => {
this.checkinTemp = data;
// Calling the DT trigger to manually render the table
The table gets generated and I have added an edit and delete function, my view code:
<table datatable [dtOptions]="dtOptions" [dtTrigger]="dtTrigger" class="row-border hover">
<th>Visitor Name</th>
<th>Schedule Date Time</th>
<th>Entry Source</th>
<tr *ngFor="let data of checkinTemp">
<a (click)="viewCheckinData(data)"> {{data.f_name}} {{data.l_name}} </a>
<a (click)="editCheckinData(data)">Edit</a>
<a (click)="confirmDelete(data)">Delete</a>
<span *ngIf="data.department == null || data.department == ''">N/A</span>
<span *ngIf="data.department !== null ">{{data.department}}</span>
<span *ngIf="data.purpose == null || data.purpose == ''">N/A</span>
<span *ngIf="data.purpose !== null ">{{data.purpose}}</span>
<td>{{data.pre_check_in | date:'short'}}</td>
<p-confirmDialog header="Confirmation" icon="fa fa-question-circle" width="425"></p-confirmDialog>
Now when the user presses delete the confirmDelete(data)
gets called. The function in the TS file:
confirmDelete(item) {
message: 'Are you sure you want to delete this Visitor?',
header: 'Confirmation',
accept: () => {
this._appService.deleteCheckin(item.id).subscribe(res => {
// Splice Or something so the page doesnt reload but the data gets removed from the view.
this.flashMsg.flashMsg('success', 'Deleted', 'Visitor has been deleted.');
err => {
this.flashMsg.flashMsg('error', 'Error', 'Visitor has not been deleted.');
reject: () => {
Until now when I delete data, the data gets deleted and the confirmation message pops up, but the data is still displayed in the view until the page gets reloaded. Is there a way to remove the data from the table without the page loading? I looked up splice but had no luck using it in the code.
After you have successfully deleted your item from the server, you can delete it from the array using splice(...)
like this:
const index = this.checkinTemp.indexOf(item);
this.checkinTemp.splice(index, 1);