I am using the below function for uploading image and sending it to backend. The problem is the image size is quite big which takes time to reach to backend. I have seen many examples on how to compress image but I dont really want to change my existing code and revamp the module so can someone please tell me how I can change this function and compress the image.
I made this library for what you need: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-image-compress
You have a complete sample on the read-me page. Here a snippet if you want a idea of how you can use it:
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private imageCompress: NgxImageCompressService) {}
compressFile() {
this.imageCompress.uploadFile().then(({image, orientation}) => {
console.warn('Size before:', this.imageCompress.byteCount(result));
this.imageCompress.compressFile(image, orientation, 50, 50).then(
result => console.warn('Size after:', this.imageCompress.byteCount(result));