Invalid issuer in discovery document expected: angular-oauth2-oidc with Azure B2C

AleksBla picture AleksBla · Oct 30, 2017 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

Currently I'm developing an Angular2 App and want to use a B2C Tenant for authentification. It does not works because I get an error:

Invalid issuer in discovery document expected:

The setup and configuration is exact as in described.

In the given example following function is used:

private configureWithNewConfigApi() {
  this.oauthService.tokenValidationHandler = new JwksValidationHandler();

Unfortunately, loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin does not work for me because for Azure B2C I need to add another URI with additional parameter (policy). So I tried the "old" function loadDiscoveryDocument

The new Code looks like:

private configureWithNewConfigApi() {
  this.oauthService.tokenValidationHandler = new JwksValidationHandler();

  const result = this.oauthService.loadDiscoveryDocument(
    .then(() => {
      console.log('b2c discovery loaded');
    }).catch(() => {
      console.error('b2c discovery load error');

Here is the first part of the function:

public loadDiscoveryDocument(fullUrl: string = null): Promise<object> {

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

        if (!fullUrl) {
            fullUrl = this.issuer || '';
            if (!fullUrl.endsWith('/')) {
                fullUrl += '/';
            fullUrl += '.well-known/openid-configuration';

Here is the function from the github example:

public loadDiscoveryDocumentAndTryLogin() {
    return this.loadDiscoveryDocument().then((doc) => {
        return this.tryLogin();

loadDiscoveryDocument validates the document:

if (!this.validateDiscoveryDocument(doc)) {
           OAuthErrorEvent('discovery_document_validation_error', null));

The issue is within the validateDiscoveryDocument and B2C

The reason is first part of the function:

 if (doc['issuer'] !== this.issuer) {
            'invalid issuer in discovery document',
            'expected: ' + this.issuer,
            'current: ' + doc['issuer']
        return false;

B2C issuer is:

  issuer: '',

Hint: myportalb2c is not the real portal. If I call the standard URI or with my policy (fullUrl) the issuer in the response document is different than in URI. Seems a part of the URI is replaced by a GUID

"issuer": "", "authorization_endpoint": "", "token_endpoint": ""


Does someone have the same situation and found a workaround? What is the reason that the issuer in the document is different?

I tried also following package:

I works in general, but sometimes I need to Login several times in the application that finally I'm logged in.

Thanks in advance for your support!


Akshay Sharma picture Akshay Sharma · Jan 21, 2020

I was facing the same issue but when I passed strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation as false then it solved my problem

in the AuthConfig, Please set

strictDiscoveryDocumentValidation: false