Typescript Map throwing error while using its functions (mapobject.keys() is not a function)

Vishnu KR picture Vishnu KR · Jul 21, 2017 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I am a new bee in typescript , In my angular4 project I am receiving a map object as a json.

so I declared a class that is given bellow

 <importing... required classes here..>
  export class FormConfig  {
    public id: number;
    public name: string;
    public fieldMap :Map<string,Array<Field>>;
    public fieldList : Array<Field> ;

I am receiving exactly same JSON from api. I consoled the object of FormConfig and I am getting the console without any error. My code got compiled without any warning and error. But I can't access the keys and values from the map by using Map's inbuilt functions like forEach,keys,get etc. But IDE showing these function suggestions. Part of my code is given bellow.

 formConfig : FormConfig; 
 console.log(JSON.stringify(formConfig)); // works fine

 keys : string [] = Array.from (formConfig.keys()) ; // showing error (formConfig.keys is not a function)

I am using es5 target for my angular4 project and the IDE is visual studio code.

Is anybody faced this issue before let me know the mistake I have made here.

Thank you.


onetwo12 picture onetwo12 · Jul 21, 2017

You can get the values using key like this:

for (const key in formConfig) {
  console.log('The value for ' + key + ' is = ' + formConfig[key]);

And getting array of the Object's key values is done like this:

keys: string [] = Object.keys(formConfig);