Angular 2 http post params and body

SlyOtis picture SlyOtis · Jun 15, 2017 · Viewed 110.6k times · Source

I'm trying to do an api call from my angular app. What I want to do is send a post request to the api with a command param. I have done a lot of server side testing as well as going through the outgoing request, and the $_POST nor body data is never there. I am therefore pretty sure that the problem lays within this piece of code.

public post(cmd: string, data: object): Observable<any> {

    const params = new URLSearchParams();
    params.set('cmd', cmd);

    const options = new RequestOptions({
      headers: this.getAuthorizedHeaders(),
      responseType: ResponseContentType.Json,
      params: params,
      body: data,
      withCredentials: false

    console.log('Options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));

    return'', data, options)

I have tried many different JSON structures as data but this is the core of what I am trying to send:

  "Username": "No thanks",
  "Password": "Donno"

this.handleData and this.handleError is a method taking data and error as arguments, and returns just what I want.

The api is setup to log anything coming through $_POST which works fine when running request from anywhere but my angular app. What I have done so far:

  1. Passing raw query instead of URLSearchParams.
  2. Passing the request without body.
  3. Passing all values in RequestOptions.
  4. Passing params as string.
  5. Passing body as params.
  6. Passing body as JSON.stringify({ "Username": "No thanks", "Password": "Donno" }

Console output of RequestOptions

Options: {"method":null,"headers":{"Content-Type":["application/json"],"Accept":["application/json"],"X-CLIENT-ID":["380954038"],"X-CLIENT-SECRET":["5BgqRO9BMZ4iocAXYjjnCjnO7fHGN59WP8BTRZ5f"]},"body":"{}","url":null,"params":{"rawParams":"","queryEncoder":{},"paramsMap":{}},"withCredentials":false,"responseType":1} VM8529:1 XHR finished loading: POST "".

Anyone have any clue why the data never gets sent?


Igor picture Igor · Jun 15, 2017

The 2nd parameter of is the body of the message, ie the payload and not the url search parameters. Pass data in that parameter.

From the documentation

post(url: string, body: any, options?: RequestOptionsArgs) : Observable<Response
    public post(cmd: string, data: object): Observable<any> {

        const params = new URLSearchParams();
        params.set('cmd', cmd);

        const options = new RequestOptions({
          headers: this.getAuthorizedHeaders(),
          responseType: ResponseContentType.Json,
          params: params,
          withCredentials: false

        console.log('Options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));

        return, data, options)


You should also check out the 1st parameter (BASE_URL). It must contain the complete url (minus query string) that you want to reach. I mention in due to the name you gave it and I can only guess what the value currently is (maybe just the domain?).

Also there is no need to call JSON.stringify on the data/payload that is sent in the http body.

If you still can't reach your end point look in the browser's network activity in the development console to see what is being sent. You can then further determine if the correct end point is being called wit the correct header and body. If it appears that is correct then use POSTMAN or Fiddler or something similar to see if you can hit your endpoint that way (outside of Angular).