Angular2 plugin for SonarQube 6.x

TCea picture TCea · Jun 9, 2017 · Viewed 15.4k times · Source

I am new with Sonar and I have recently installed SonarQube 6.3 I couldnt find any plugin for AngularJS neither Angular2.

Is there any way to have an Angular scanner? Any plans to release one for SonarQube 6.X?

Thanks a lot


begarco picture begarco · Jun 9, 2017

There are plenty of plugins on GitHub.

For example:

  • sonar-web-frontend-plugin for many front end technologies including AngularJS and TypeScript but is a bit old. It analyzes the scanners' reports.
  • SonarTsPlugin for TypeScript and so Angular 2. It directly performs an analysis.
  • SonarTS is the official SonarSource plugin for TypeScript.