I'm using primeng in an angular 2 application and facing this issue (stackoverflow question)
Although the plunkr provided in the accepted answer works but it doesn't in my scenario. I have a separate component that loads the based on an input from the parent component. I want to toggle the visibility flag when the child component is closed/hidden.
Here's the code snippet
<p-dialog header="Assets Management" [(visible)]="showDialog" modal="modal" [closable]="true" (onHide)="close()" appendTo="body">
.. some content ..
In component, I have:
selector: 'view-car-colors',
templateUrl: '/view-car-colors.html',
inputs: ['showDialog'],
outputs: ["onCloseDialog"],
export class ViewCarColorsComponent {
private showDialog: boolean = false; //default close
private onCloseDialog: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
public close(): void {
this.showDialog = false;
//emit this to its parent
this.onCloseDialog.emit({ hasChanges: true });
And finally in my parent component, I am calling it like:
<view-car-colors [showDialog]="showCarColorsDialog" (onCloseDialog)="onCarColorsCloseDialog($event)"></view-car-colors>
Where showCarColorsDialog
is changed based on a button click.
private onCarColorsCloseDialog($event: any): void {
this.showCarColorsDialog = false;
if ($event.hasChanges) {
//fetch the changes again
I have used the primeng controls on multiple places and they all work fine but just has this issue so I'm sure it can't be because of the version.
try (onAfterHide)="close()"