p-dialog onHide not working in angular 2 component - primeng

Ali Baig picture Ali Baig · May 19, 2017 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I'm using primeng in an angular 2 application and facing this issue (stackoverflow question)

Although the plunkr provided in the accepted answer works but it doesn't in my scenario. I have a separate component that loads the based on an input from the parent component. I want to toggle the visibility flag when the child component is closed/hidden.

Here's the code snippet

 <p-dialog header="Assets Management" [(visible)]="showDialog" modal="modal" [closable]="true" (onHide)="close()" appendTo="body">
          .. some content ..

In component, I have:

    selector: 'view-car-colors',
    templateUrl: '/view-car-colors.html',
    inputs: ['showDialog'],
    outputs: ["onCloseDialog"],
export class ViewCarColorsComponent {
    private showDialog: boolean = false;    //default close
    private onCloseDialog: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();

    public close(): void {
        this.showDialog = false;
        //emit this to its parent
        this.onCloseDialog.emit({ hasChanges: true });

And finally in my parent component, I am calling it like:

<view-car-colors [showDialog]="showCarColorsDialog" (onCloseDialog)="onCarColorsCloseDialog($event)"></view-car-colors>

Where showCarColorsDialog is changed based on a button click.

private onCarColorsCloseDialog($event: any): void {
    this.showCarColorsDialog = false;
    if ($event.hasChanges) {
        //fetch the changes again

I have used the primeng controls on multiple places and they all work fine but just has this issue so I'm sure it can't be because of the version.


XeNo13GrIn picture XeNo13GrIn · Jun 5, 2017