I have tried to set the value of #name1
as shown below.But it shows compile time error as shown below.Can you please tell me how to set the value for the text
component? Here I'm using one-way data bind and template-driven approach.
[ts] Property 'value' does not exist on type 'ElementRef'.
<ion-input type="text" name="{{question?.name}}" #name1="ngModel" ngModel> </ion-input>
@ViewChild('name1') name1: ElementRef;
this.name1.value = 'Hello';//here it shows the above error
Use the components type instead of a template variable
@ViewChild(TextInput) name1: TextInput;
This might also work (I don't know Ionic). It would work with a native HTML input element, but above is the preferred way if it's an Angular component.
this.name1.nativeElement.value = 'Hello';