Angular Using Directive with @HostListener to Update Input Value of ReactiveForm is Setting Input to ngValid Instead of ngInvalid

mtpultz picture mtpultz · Apr 13, 2017 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I've put together a currency attribute directive on a ReactiveForm FormControl that uses @HostListener on an input event (onKeyDown) to remove all invalid characters (letters and symbols) as they are typed into the input, but allows numbers and decimals. BUT, if you type an invalid character (ie. a) into an empty input field and it gets removed by the directive, the model is not updated.

I've added a plunker setup using the currency directive. Steps to follow to understand my question:

  1. type 123a you don't get an a in the input since no letters are allowed, and the button is disabled since the form is invalid (good)
  2. type 123.456 you don't get a 6 in the input since only 2 decimal places are allowed, and the button is disabled since the form is invalid (good)
  3. type a you don't get a a in the input, BUT the butt is enabled since the model thinks it has an a in it even though the UI doesn't display it (bad)

You can verify the model is not update by clicking the button and looking in the console, which logs this.form.value, and displays { amount: 'a' }. If you type a valid character next the model will only contain that character and a will have been removed. So it is only in this case that the model is not updated properly.

This was an issue easily solved in AngularJS using ngModel validator and parser pipes, the modelValue, $setViewValue, and $render() to update and force AngularJS to run a $digest. How do you do this in Angular?

This is a snippet from my attribute directive that trims out the unwanted characters successfully:

@HostListener('input', ['$event'])
  onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) {
    const input = as HTMLInputElement;

    // Only numbers and decimals
    let trimmed = input.value.replace(/[^\d\.,]+/g, '');

    // Only a single decimal and choose the first one found
    if (trimmed.split('.').length > 2) {
      trimmed = trimmed.replace(/\.([^\.]*)$/, '$1');

    // Cannot start with decimal typed or pasted
    if (trimmed.indexOf('.') === 0) { trimmed = ''; }

    // AngularJS "like" solution would be something like:
    // ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(trimmed);
    // ngModelCtrl.$render();
    // Angular solution is???

    input.value = trimmed;


mtpultz picture mtpultz · Apr 13, 2017

So I did figure out a solution for this using NgControl where I injected private ngControl: NgControl then accessed its control property this.ngControl.control.patchValue(newValue);, which updates the input fields model in a ReactiveForm in my onKeyDown event - see plunker

BUT based on the use of smart and dumb components the use of an EventEmitter is actually a better solution that passes up the value to the parent form from the input - plunker (thanks to Todd Motto and his Ultimate Angular courses)