I'm trying to create custom pipe on asynchronous pipe, I tried many solutions, but still not working. Here is the snippet of code.
product.sort.ts - custom pipe
import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
name: 'sortByName'
export class ProductPipe implements PipeTransform{
/*transform(values: Array<any>, term:string){
return values.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))
transform($value: Observable<Array<any>>, term:string){
(obj) => {
return obj.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))
products.component.ts - main component
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { AppService } from '../app.service/app.service';
import { ProductPipe } from '../products.sort/products.sort';
selector: 'products-pg',
template: `
Products List:
<li *ngFor = 'let product of $productList | async | sortByName:"A"'>{{product.pname}}</li>
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit{
private $productList:Observable<Array<any>>;
constructor(private _service: AppService, private _store: Store<Array<any>>){}
this.$productList = this._store.select('products');
Here, I'm using store for state management, I'm trying to sort by name, so passing "A" as first letter. Since $productList is observable, how to write pipe which handles asynchronous behavior like this, plase help me to solve this.
I had the same issue as well the way I fixed it, was like this:
<li class="list-group-item" *ngFor='let alert of _alerts$ | ipwrAlertFilter:seeAll | async'>
look how I had my custom filter before the async pipe, this way my custom pipe gets an observable and then in my pipe I have this:
return value.map(data => data.filter(x => x.originalHasBeenSeen === false));
this way my custom pipe still returns something that I can still apply async pipe on. and so with each new item in stream I still get a hit on my custom pipe and my view gets updated. hope this helps.