I have a problem posting a custom error message on HTTP timeout.
Here is the simple example:
return this._http.get(url).timeout(5000, new Error("Error message"));
I saw that everybody uses new Error("Error message") but I'm getting the error:
Error function expects type Scheduler. I'm getting this error: Argument of type 'Error' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Scheduler'. Property 'SchedulerAction' is missing in type 'Error'
In rxjs 4, it was possible to customise the error message that way. However, in latest versions of rxjs 5, timeout
only accepts two arguments:
If you want to customise your error, you may try something like:
return this._http.get(url)
.catch(err => {
if (err.name !== "TimeoutError") {
return Observable.throw("Timeout has occurred");
return Observable.throw(err);