I'm trying to call my service to get a poster Url for all my movies (Want to show the poster of them). I'm using Angular2 and have for now created a pipe that should do the job.
I have this code:
<div class="row small-up-1 medium-up-2 large-up-4">
<div class="column" *ngFor="let movie of MoviesOnNas">
<img src="{{movie.MovieId | poster}}" class="thumbnail" alt="">
Here you see the let movie of MoviesOnNas , it will show all movies there is in the MoviesOnNas object.
In the line:
<img src="{{movie.MovieId | poster}}" class="thumbnail" alt="">
I'm trying to use a custom pipe I have created. It looks like this.
@Pipe({ name: 'poster' })
export class PosterPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(public movieService: MovieService) {
transform(value: string, args: string[]): any {
if (value) {
// Go call api to get poster.
this.movieService.getMoviePoster(value).subscribe((data) => {
console.log("http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500" + data);
var poster = "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500" + data;
return poster;
else {
// Insert could not find movie poster.
return "../../assets/img/poster.png";
The pipe should return the poster url. The problem is that The code I have provided does not work. It won't load the url and show the picture. In the console.log, I can see that the url path is actually working if I use it in the browser.
If I do something like this:
if (value) {
return "http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/bqLlWZJdhrS0knfEJRkquW7L8z2.jpg"
Then it shows the picture correctly. So the problem must be the observable subscribe?
Can any see what could be wrong here?
You should use the async pipe when dealing with async operations. Remember to return a promise or an observable.
name: 'poster'
class PosterPipe {
constructor() {
// simulate http call
this.apiCall = Observable.create(observer => {
transform(value: string) {
if(value) {
return this.apiCall.first();
return Observable.of("../../assets/img/poster.png");
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<img src="{{MovieId | poster | async}}">
export class App {
constructor() {
this.MovieId = 'Exists'
Working Plunker