I am using Angular 2 with ngrx/store. I want to reset the whole store states when user dispatch USER_LOGOUT
I read the Dan Abramov's answer of How to reset the state of a Redux store?, but I didn't figure out how to write rootReducer
correctly and where to put it when using ngrx/store.
Or is there any other way to handle this in ngrx/store?
bootstrap(App, [
router: routerReducer,
foo: fooReducer,
bar: barReducer
In ngrx/store 4.x, this can be accomplished with metareducers. As I understand it, all actions are passing through the metareducers before being handed over to the feature reducers. This gives us the opportunity to change/reset the state first.
Here's an example.
This is my metareducer function: in case the action is of type LOGOUT, the state is re-initialized.
function logout(reducer) {
return function (state, action) {
return reducer(action.type === LOGOUT ? undefined : state, action);
Below you see how the metareducer is configured along with the feature reducers. Should there be more than 1 metareducer, then they are evaluated from right to left
StoreModule.forRoot({rooms: roomReducer, user: userReducer}, {metaReducers: [logout]})
Finally, I also have an @effect where I navigate to the login page
@Effect({dispatch: false}) logout: Observable<Action> =
.do(() => {
// ... some more stuff here ...
this.router.navigate(['/login page'])