I'm trying to set a blue event in angular 2 like so:
<div id="area-button" (blur)="unfocusAreaInput()" class="form-group" (click)="focusAreaInput()">
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { GoogleplaceDirective } from 'angular2-google-map-auto-complete/directives/googleplace.directive';
selector: 'my-area',
directives: [GoogleplaceDirective],
templateUrl: 'app/find-page/area-picker.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app/find-page/area-picker.component.css']
export class AreaComponent {
public address: Object;
@ViewChild('areaInput') areaInput;
areaSelected: boolean = false;
@Output() onAreaSelected = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
@Output() onAreaDeselected = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
constructor(el: ElementRef) { }
getAddress(place: Object) {
this.address = place['formatted_address'];
var location = place['geometry']['location'];
var lat = location.lat();
var lng = location.lng();
console.log("Address Object", place);
focusAreaInput() {
unfocusAreaInput() {
unfocusAreaInput() never gets executed. Why?
Your blur
event is not working because your div
can't receive focus in the first place. If you add tabindex="1"
(1 can be replaced with any number) or contentEditable
(this will make div's content editable) to your div
, it will be able to receive focus and then blur
event will work. Plus, you can then use focus
instead of click