I've been digging around, and found out that I can use the following to use *ngFor over an object:
<div *ngFor="#obj of objs | ObjNgFor">...</div>
where ObjNgFor
pipe is:
@Pipe({ name: 'ObjNgFor', pure: false })
export class ObjNgFor implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, args: any[] = null): any {
return Object.keys(value).map(key => value[key]);
However, when I have an object like this:
"description":"this is the propertyA",
"description":"this is the propertyB",
I am not quite sure how I can extract 'propertyA' and 'propertyB', so that it is accessible from the *ngFor directive. Any ideas?
What I want to do, is to present the following HTML:
<div *ngFor="#obj of objs | ObjNgFor" class="parameters-container">
<div class="parameter-desc">
Where something would be equal to propertyA
and propertyB
(this is how the object is structured). So, this would lead to:
propertyA:this is the propertyA
propertyB:this is the propertyB
Or instead of creating a pipe and passing an object to *ngFor, just pass Object.keys(MyObject)
to *ngFor. It returns the same as the pipe, but without the hassle.
On TypeScript file:
let list = Object.keys(MyObject); // good old javascript on the rescue
On template (html):
*ngFor="let item of list"