onchange equivalent in angular2

PrinceZee picture PrinceZee · Apr 1, 2016 · Viewed 271.6k times · Source

i'm using onchange to save the value of my input range into firebase , but i have an error who say that my function is not defined.

this is my function

  this.Platform.ready().then(() => {

this is my html

    <ion-col>Rayon <span favorite><strong> {{range}} km</strong></span></ion-col>
    <ion-col><input type="range" name="points" min="0" max="40" [(ngModel)]="range" onchange="saverange()"></ion-col>

what is the equivalent of onchange in angular , if one exist. thank you


Mark Rajcok picture Mark Rajcok · Apr 2, 2016

We can use Angular event bindings to respond to any DOM event. The syntax is simple. We surround the DOM event name in parentheses and assign a quoted template statement to it. -- reference

Since change is on the list of standard DOM events, we can use it:


In your particular case, since you're using NgModel, you could break up the two-way binding like this instead:

[ngModel]="range" (ngModelChange)="saverange($event)"


saverange(newValue) {
  this.range = newValue;
  this.Platform.ready().then(() => {

However, with this approach saverange() is called with every keystroke, so you're probably better off using (change).