Angular 2: Can't bind to x since it isn't a known native property

Arman Hayots picture Arman Hayots · Mar 11, 2016 · Viewed 85k times · Source

In Angular 2 component I have authbox.component.ts

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {COMMON_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/common';
import {Credentials} from './credentials'
    selector: 'authbox',
    template: `<div>
       <div class="login-panel" *NgIf="!IsLogged">
            <input type="text" *NgModel="" />
            <input type="password" *NgModel="credentials.password" />
            <button type="button" (click)="signIn(credentials)">→| Sign In</button>
        <div class="logged-panel" *NgIf="IsLogged">
            <span>{nickname}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; <button type="button" (click)="signOut()">|→ Sign out</button>
    directives: [COMMON_DIRECTIVES]

export class AuthBoxComponent {

    private _isLogged: boolean;

    get IsLogged(): boolean {
        return this._isLogged
    set IsLogged(value: boolean) {
        this._isLogged = value;

    public credentials: Credentials;


In browser I got errors «Can't bind to 'NgModel' since it isn't a known native property » and «Can't bind to 'NgIf' since it isn't a known native property».

I'm using beta 8.


Mark Rajcok picture Mark Rajcok · Mar 12, 2016

In general, the can't bind to xxx since it isn't a known native property error occurs when you have a typo in your HTML when trying to use an attribute directive, or when trying to setup a property binding.

Common examples are when you miss a * or a # or let or use in instead of of with the Angular built-in structural directives:

<div  ngIf="..."                 // should be *ngIf
<div  ngFor="..."                // should be *ngFor="..."
<div *ngFor="let item in items"  // should be "let item of items"
<div *ngFor="item of items"      // should be "let item of items"

A misspelling or wrong case will also generate the problem::

<div *ngFer="..."
<div *NgFor="..."

Another reason is if you specify a property that doesn't exist on the DOM element or component:

<div [prop1]="..."       // prop1 isn't a valid DOM property for a div
<my-comp [answr]="..."   // typo, should be [answer]

For typos with the built-in Angular directives, since the typo doesn't match any of the built-in directive selectors, Angular tries to setup a binding to a property of the DOM element (the div in the above examples) with the typo name. This fails because a div does not have a native ngIf or ngFer or prop1 DOM property.


For attributes (not properties) you need to use attribute binding, for example for height attribute of svg: <svg [attr.height]="myHeightProp">