How to get current value of State object with @ngrx/store?

Philippe sillon picture Philippe sillon · Feb 25, 2016 · Viewed 76.3k times · Source

My service class, before calling a web service, needs to get a property called dataForUpdate from my state. Currently, I'm doing it like this:

constructor(public _store: Store < AppState > ,
  public _APIService: APIService) {

  const store$ ='StateReducer');


  let update = this.actions$.filter(action => action.type == UPDATE)
    .do((action) => this._store.dispatch({
      payload: action.payload
    })) **
    * GET STATE ** *= => .mergeMap(action => store$.map((state: AppState) => state.dataForUpdate).distinctUntilChanged(),
      (action, dataForUpdate) {
        return {
          type: action.type,
          payload: {
            employee: action.payload,
            dataForUpdate: dataForUpdate
      }) *
    AND CALL API *= => .mergeMap(action => this._APIService.updateEmployee(action.payload.employee, action.payload.dataForUpdate),
      (action, APIResult) => {
        return {
          type: REDUCER_UPDATED


  let all = Observable.merge(update, ....);
  all.subscribe((action: Action) => this._store.dispatch(action));


I'm using angular2-store-example ( as a guide to follow.

I'm wondering if a better (cleaner) way exists?

Live example:


Sasxa picture Sasxa · Feb 25, 2016

Original answer for @ngrx/store v1.x

@ngrx/store extends BehaviorSubject and it has a value property you can use.


that will be the current state of your app, and from there you can select properties, filter, map etc...


Took me a while to figure what's what in your example (: To get current value of dataForUpdate, you can use:

let x = this._store.value.StateReducer.dataForUpdate;
console.log(x); // => { key: "123" }

Update for @ngrx/store v2.x

With the update to version 2, value was removed as described in docs:

The APIs for synchronously pulling the most recent state value out of Store have been removed. Instead, you can always rely on subscribe() running synchronously if you have to get the state value:

function getState(store: Store<State>): State {
    let state: State;

    store.take(1).subscribe(s => state = s);

    return state;