Is it possible to use a pipe in the code?

Hongbo Miao picture Hongbo Miao · Feb 2, 2016 · Viewed 68.4k times · Source

When I use my custom pipe in a template, it is like this:


And it works well.

Is it possible to use a pipe in the code?

I try to use it like this:

let name = `${user|userName}`;

But it shows

userName is not defined

My alternative way is using db.collection.findOne() manually in the code. But is there any smart way?


saghar.fadaei picture saghar.fadaei · Nov 2, 2016

First declare the pipe in the providers of your module:

import { YourPipeComponentName } from 'your_component_path';

  providers: [
export class YourServiceModule {

Then you can use @Pipe in a component like this:

import { YourPipeComponentName } from 'your_component_path';

class YourService {

  constructor(private pipe: YourPipeComponentName) {}

  YourFunction(value) {
    this.pipe.transform(value, 'pipeFilter');