Top "Angular-validation" questions

Angular 2+ validation patterns, syntax and properties.

Angular 6 - reactive form validation pattern doesn't work

I have an Angular 6 reactive form and trying to validate a password with regex pattern and it doesn't work. <…

angular angular6 angular-reactive-forms angular-validation angular-validator
Angular 4 display all input validation errors

I'm starting to create my first Angular 4 app. I'm testing form validation. I created a template-driven form and I added …

angular angular-forms angular-validation
Angular5 Custom Validator for Date Min

I'm trying to create a validator for date input. so I've wrote this piece of code but it's not working …

angular angular-validation
angular 2 : TypeError: this.form.updateValueAndValidity is not a function

I upgraded to rc.4 and am trying to use the new forms-api. This is what I get: "TypeError: this.form.…

angular angular2-forms angular-validation
Validate zipcode to only allow length 5 or 7 digits in Angular 4

I am using Angular 4. I want to allow the zipCode input field to only take an input of length 5 or 7 …

angular angular4-forms angular-validation
How to do and show server validation errors in angular form

I'm new to angular. I was trying something and got stuck. In my form, I want to show server validation …

angular validation angular-validation server-side-validation
Angular Material Checkbox Validation

I am wondering of a way to validate required checkbox in the same style angular material handles validation for other …

angular typescript angular-material angular-validation
use formControlName for custom input component in reactive form

There is a custom input component and it is used in a reactive form with validation: @Component({ moduleId:…

angular angular-reactive-forms angular-forms angular-validation
Angular 4 validator to check 2 controls at the same time

I have a reactive form with 2 controls (port_start and port_end) that have the following requirements: Both must have …

angular angular-reactive-forms angular-validation