Top "Angular-ui-grid" questions

angular-ui-grid is a datagrid written in AngularJS by the AngularUI Team.

How to achieve dynamic css class in ui-grid that reflects page content changes?

My goal is to achieve a dynamic CSS class in ui-grid cells with simplest example being to color gender column …

angularjs angular-ui-grid ng-grid ui-grid
How to find which column was sorted and in what order in angular ui.grid

How to find which column was sorted and in what order in angular ui.grid. Actually I want to set …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-grid angular-ui-select
Disable filtering for a specific column in UI-Grid

I have a column in my grid which is contains several buttons. I want to only disable the filtering feature …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-grid
Any better approaches in achieving multi-column grouping in UI-Grid header?

I've tried to achieve the multi column grouping at column header level for UI-Grid with the below approach. Steps I've …

angularjs ng-grid angular-ui-grid
Format footer values in ui-grid

How do I format the aggregate value for a column in ui-grid? With my numbers I get something horrible like …

javascript angularjs node.js express angular-ui-grid
angular ui grid date filter to search the date in column

I wanted to search the date in my search column, using angular ui date filter. When i try to search …

angularjs date angular-ui-grid datefilter
How to enable cellTooltips when using a cellTemplate?

I've got a ui-grid using the latest version (3.0.0-rc22). In my column definitions, I've setup a cellTemplate to allow linking …

angularjs angular-ui-grid
Callback on cell click in ui-grid

I want to have a callback function which is fired each time when a cell is clicked. Therefore, i was …

javascript angularjs ng-grid angular-ui-grid