Top "Angular-material-5" questions

How to add space between underline classes in mat-form-field elements?

I'm trying to add multiple form fields, I wanted to add 2 form fields in a row but I'm not able …

angular forms angular-material angular-material-5
Angular Material mat-form-field Placeholder text on multiple lines

I use a regular mat-form-field with a textarea inside. My issue is that the placeholder text for this Textarea is …

angular angular-material angular-material-5
Angular Material Dialog Component Scrolling Issue at Startup

I am using Angular Material Dialog component within my app and within this dialog, I am presenting the a user …

css angular angular-material angular-material-5
Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'mat-slide-toggle'

I am trying to get the current value of a mat-slide-toggle but unfortunatly I will get an error: Error: Template …

angular angular-material angular5 angular-material-5