Top "Angular-httpclient" questions

Angular HttpClient is the new HTTP client of Angular since version 4.3 from the @angular/common/http package.

Use a promise in Angular HttpClient Interceptor

Can I use promise within HttpInterceptor? For example: export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor{ this.someService.someFunction() .then((data)=>{ //do …

angular rxjs es6-promise angular-httpclient angular-httpclient-interceptors
Angular 6: How to get response status code

How do I get the service code? I try the code below, but it does not log anything. In a …

angular angular-httpclient
Angular RxJS - How to monitor progress of HTTP Get Request (not file)

How to utilize Angular HTTPClient's progress event to show progress in percentage of Get request which does not necessarily a …

angular rxjs angular-httpclient
Angular 4 How to return multiple observables in resolver

As the title states, I need to return multiple observables or maybe results. The goal is basically to load let's …

angular angular-routing angular-http angular-httpclient
Angular 5, HttpClient changes Date fields to UTC

I Have an object which has a Date type property on client side. When I try to send object via …

angular date angular-httpclient
Angular 2 4 HttpClient. POST request - how to get status code

How can I get status code of response POST request? My service method return: return, body, {…

angular angular-httpclient
Unable to download blob as file in Angular 7 from API

I've been having some trouble getting file download working in my application. To download the file I made a new …

angular api angular-httpclient angular7
How to handle logging of HttpClient requests?

I'm using Angular and rxjs 5.x.x . For each http request I must log the response in a centralized place …

angular logging rxjs error-logging angular-httpclient
How to handle RxJs timeout complete - Angular HttpClient

How to detect an error by timeout operator? I would like to show an alert or something like that just …

angular rxjs timeout angular2-observables angular-httpclient
Angular http request observable error does not catch error?

Angular 6 using HttpClient. No interceptors implemented for now. I have an admin service where I'm doing a http call to …

angular rxjs observable angular-httpclient