Top "Angular-cli" questions

The Angular CLI is a command line interface for building, managing and deploying Angular (version 2+) applications.

Angular CLI 6: Where to put library dependencies

I'm converting a library (ng-app-state) to use the angular cli, now that v6 supports libraries (yay!). After scaffolding and copying …

angular-cli angular-cli-v6
Make Angular working with restrictive Content Security Policy (CSP)

I cannot make base Angular2 (final) application works with the following restrictive CSP. default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; font-src …

angular content-security-policy angular-cli
Call retries were exceeded exception while ng build

I am facing an exception while ng build (generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...) An unhandled exception occured: Call retires …

angular angular-cli angular8 ng-build angular-cli-v8
Multiple application under single project in Angular 6

How to create multiple application under single project in Angular 6? In new angular.json file, there is no "app":[] array, …

angular angular-cli angular6
How to include assets from node_modules in angular cli project

How to include assets from external library into Angular CLI project I am trying below but this does not work, "…

angular angular-cli
How do I turn off source maps for Angular 6 ng test?

I am trying to turn off sourcemaps for my tests in Angular 6. I know the sourcemaps switch has been removed, …

angular angular6 angular-cli angular-cli-v6 angular-test
Cannot find module 'webpack' - Angular

I just migrated my project from angular v5.x to v6.x and now when I try to start it …

angular webpack angular-cli angular6
Angular 4.0.0 App built by angular-cli 1.0.0 not working in IE11

I try to run my virgin Angular 4 Application built by the angular-cli 1.0.0 in the Internet Explorer 11, but I have no …

angular internet-explorer-11 angular-cli angular4
[Angular-CLI-6]Could not determine single project for 'Serve' target

I have updated my angular-cli with the help of ng update @angular/cli command. After that, I have got an …

angular angular5 angular-cli angular6 angular-cli-v6