How to get and set (change) ID3 tag (metadata) of audio files?

Chirag Shah picture Chirag Shah · Mar 14, 2012 · Viewed 23.2k times · Source

I am working to change ID3 tags, the metadata in audio files, such as:

  • Artist
  • Title
  • Album
  • etc.

And the core point,. that edited ID3 tags should be shown only into my app.


MKJParekh picture MKJParekh · Mar 19, 2012

I think this is what you are looking for MyID3 library to set and get tags for media file.

Download this jar file MyID3_for_android and add it to your project's build path. here is the sample code. here pathdata is the file path of the audio file.

            File src = new File(pathdata);
            MusicMetadataSet src_set = null;
            try {
                src_set = new MyID3().read(src);
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } // read metadata

            if (src_set == null) // perhaps no metadata
                Log.i("NULL", "NULL");
                    IMusicMetadata metadata = src_set.getSimplified();
                    String artist = metadata.getArtist();  
                    String album = metadata.getAlbum();  
                    String song_title = metadata.getSongTitle(); 
                    Number track_number = metadata.getTrackNumber(); 
                    Log.i("artist", artist);
                    Log.i("album", album);
                }catch (Exception e) {
                File dst = new File(pathdata);
                MusicMetadata meta = new MusicMetadata("name");
                try {
                    new MyID3().write(src, dst, src_set, meta);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                } catch (ID3WriteException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                }  // write updated metadata

Happy Coding :)