Android allows us to define hdpi/mdpi/ldpi for the drawable folder in order to account for different sized screens/devices. I was wondering if that same support can be applied for the Values folder (or even the layout folder)? Reason being, I typically define a "sizes.xml" file which holds standard dp sizes that I apply to margins and paddings. I also do the same for sp sizes for text. I'd like to adjust those values based on the phones dpi.
Yes, you can. Just like this:
res/values-ldpi/dimens.xml (240x320 and nearer resolution)
res/values-mdpi/dimens.xml (320x480 and nearer resolution)
res/values-hdpi/dimens.xml (480x800, 540x960 and nearer resolution)
res/values-xhdpi/dimens.xml (720x1280 - Samsung S3, Micromax Canvas HD, etc)
res/values-xxhdpi/dimens.xml (1080x1920 - Samsung S4, HTC one, etc)
res/values-large/dimens.xml (480x800)
res/values-large-mdpi/dimens.xml (600x1024)
res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml (600x1024)
res/values-sw720dp/dimens.xml (800x1280)
res/values-xlarge-xhdpi/dimens.xml (2560x1600 - Nexus 10")
res/values-large-xhdpi/dimens.xml (1200x1920 - Nexus 7"(latest))
(from: Warning: the link is chinese!!! To translate, right click on the page, click "translate to English" in the popup menu.)