First - sorry for my english;) I'am writing profile manager for Android and i want getString from a few SharedPreferences file and create listView. It's part of my code:
private static final String PN = "profile_name";
private EditTextPreference editText;
private SharedPreferences preferences;
public class Profile_Preferences extends PreferenceActivity {
private void SavePreferences() {
String text= editText.getText().toString();
preferences = getSharedPreferences("Profile_" + text, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE); //Here we created SharedPreferences file with name "Profile_"+ this what user write in editText
SharedPreferences.Editor preferencesEditor = preferences.edit();
preferencesEditor.putString(PN, editText.getText());
Ok. The user was doing a few profile, so we have file for example: Profile_home.xml, Profile_work.xml, Profile_something.xml. Now i wan't create listView with profile name from this file. It's my next Activity:
public class Tab_profiles extends ListActivity {
ArrayList<String> listItems = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayAdapter<String> adapter;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, listItems);
public void LoadList() {
//It's a good idea to getString "profile_name" form every xml file with name "Profile_" + "" ?
preferences = getSharedPreferences("Profile_"+ "", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
String take_profile_name = preferences.getString("profile_name", null);
listItems.add(take_profile_name );
But this doesn't work... logcat log:
at android.widget.ArrayAdaper.createViewFromResource(
I don't now whoat it's wrong...
Please help my:) Thank you for any answers and sorry for my errors in writing and code;)
There are a few problems in your code:
String text = editText.getText().toString();
preferences = getSharedPreferences("Profile_" + text, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor preferencesEditor = preferences.edit();
preferencesEditor.putString(PN, editText.getText());
If a user types "home" in the EditText, you create a preference file called "Profile_home" and save its name in the same file? You need to save the user generated file names in a different file which has a name you know, so you can access it in your code.
Second problem:
preferences = getSharedPreferences("Profile_" + "", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
String take_profile_name = preferences.getString("profile_name", null);
You're trying to open "Profile_" settings. This file does not exist(?). The second parameter of getString must not be null, otherwise you'll add a null-reference to your list of string, which fails. Replace it with an empty string "".
Edit: Here's a little workaround to get all custom named preferences:
private void SavePreferences() {
String text = editText.getText().toString();
preferences = getSharedPreferences("ProfileNames", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor preferencesEditor = preferences.edit();
// increment index by 1
preferencesEditor.putInt("profile_count", preferences.getInt("profile_count", 0) + 1);
// save new name in ProfileNames.xml with key "name[index]"
preferencesEditor.putString("name" + (preferences.getInt("profile_count", 0) + 1), editText.getText());
public void LoadList() {
preferences = getSharedPreferences("ProfileNames", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
List<String> profileNames = new LinkedList<String>();
int profileCount = preferences.getInt("profile_count", 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= profileCount; i++) {
profileNames.add(preferences.getString(name + i, ""));