Hi fellows,
I'd like to know if there is some exhaustive reference of all Intent actions defined in the standard Android SDK ? I'm thinking of the full "android.intent.action.someaction" names, not the restricted list of conveniently aliased actions defined in the Intent class, e.g Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED, etc...
For those who believe all Intent actions are aliased in the Intent class (I was one of them until very recently) I have at least one action which is not : android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUG (defined in media/java/android/media/AudioService.java) and I believe there are many others.
But I could not find some exhaustive list in the Android Reference, so maybe if you can direct me to some place I can find it ?
Thanks !
--- UPDATE 23/01/2012 15h36 ---
Thanks to CommonsWare for mentioning HDMI_PLUG is not at all part of the Android SDk... it was a bad example, but still, there are intents that are not defined in Intent.java, such as TelephonyManager.ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED.
Hey I think I answered my own question :)
In my Android SDK directory, under /platforms/android-x/data (x being the API level) I've found several very interesting files:
Turns out the first two contain plenty of raw Intents, including ones that are not defined in Intent.java !
I'm not quite sure what theses lists are here for, I'd just like to be sure they are exhaustive for their API level... (even if I don't see why they wouldn't be)