I'm creating Shared Preferences as follows
preferences = getSharedPreferences("text", 0);
final Editor editor = preferences.edit();
String s1 = serverIP.getText().toString();
String s2 = serverPort.getText().toString();
String s3 = syncPass.getText().toString();
String s4 = proxyServer.getText().toString();
String s5 = proxyPort.getText().toString();
editor.putString("SERVERIP", s1);
editor.putString("SERVERPORT", s2);
editor.putString("SYNCPASS", s3);
editor.putString("PROXYSERVER", s3);
editor.putString("PROXYPORT", s3);
and onCreate I want to display the values in a new set of TextViews, but the first time I don't have any values stored in the shared preferences and will get a NULL Pointer exception.
I want to know if there is any built-in method which can check if the SharedPreferences contains any value or not, so that I can check if the key exists and if not, then replace the new set of TextViews with the preferences value.
Try contains(String key)
Accorting to the Javadocs,
Checks whether the preferences contains a preference. Returns true if the preference exists in the preferences, otherwise false.