What is an activity, a context and an intent in Android?

ADJ picture ADJ · Nov 18, 2011 · Viewed 20.5k times · Source

Can somebody please explain to me what an activity, a context and an intent in Android are?

I read the Android documentation, but I could not understand these concepts.


K.Muthu picture K.Muthu · Nov 22, 2011

Activity: represents the presentation layer of an Android application, e.g. a screen which the user sees. An Android application can have several activities and it can be switched between them during runtime of the application.

ContentProvider: provides data to applications, via a content provider your application can share data with other applications. Android contains a SQLite DB which can serve as the data provider

Intents - are asynchronous messages which allow the application to request functionality from other services or activities. An application can call directly a service or activity (explicit intent) or ask the Android system for registered services and applications for an intent (implicit intents). For example, the application could ask via an intent for a contact application. Applications register themselves to an intent via an IntentFilter. Intents are a powerful concept as they allow the creation of loosely coupled applications.

See the following link: http://www.vogella.de/articles/Android/article.html.