How to play default TICK sound?

sandalone picture sandalone · Oct 27, 2011 · Viewed 22k times · Source

I want to connect Android OS default tick sound (for example, the sound you hear when you long click Home button and select previous app to start) with my button click. I know how to play sounds via MediaPlayer, but I do not know where to search for this default tick sound. It had to be in some default resources, but I could not find it.

MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(getBaseContext(), sound);  

Anyone can help?

PS. this sound will be activated inside of onClick method.
PPS. I know I can user /raw dir, but I do not think there's a need for it. Not to say, it's cooler to play this tick sound prepared for user's phone.


Roberto Tyley picture Roberto Tyley · Jun 11, 2012

You can play the default Android 'tick' sound using the view.playSoundEffect() method on any View - surprisingly enough, all views can play a selection of 'system' sounds:


This is probably the simplest answer to your problem :)